Internet Banking development and Greek Users’ behaviour

Author Details

Dr. John Mylonakis, Dr. Vassilis Orfanos, Dr. Michalis Evripiotis

Journal Details


Published: 21 August 2024 | Article Type : Research Article


Over the last 15 years, the great growth of the Internet has created opportunities and threats for all Banks. These opportunities and threats consist of being able to support and deliver all services electronically, as a new and reliable distribution channel. In the banking industry, the contribution of the Internet was of key importance, as first it made it possible to eliminate distances and significantly reduce the processing time of transactions. For these reasons, it is considered particularly important to examine all the factors that influence users’ decisions that push them or not to use electronic banking services. These factors have a catalytic effect on consumer decisions, with the result that many researchers are constantly engaged in their analysis. The purpose of the article is to examine 7 main factors that influence and determine the choice and decisions of users of electronic banking services in Greece.

Keywords: Internet Banking, Services, Information Technology, Financial products, User Perceptions, Potential risk, Distribution channels, Process transactions, Safety

JEL Classifications: L86, G21, C83, C12, C25

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Volume & Issue

Article Type

Research Article

How to Cite


Dr. John Mylonakis, Dr. Vassilis Orfanos, Dr. Michalis Evripiotis. (2024-08-21). "Internet Banking development and Greek Users’ behaviour." *Volume 5*, 1, 20-28